Saturday, 1 December 2012

Buying and Using an Electronic Dog Collar Training

If you presently rear or train a dog that is stubborn to comply, it is right time you think of purchasing electronic dog collar training. Though the thought of making use of electronic dog collar training for your dog may sound great to you, it is right you are made to know that it is only one other method of training your dog but which has proved to be more efficient than other methods of dog training and with less risks when used according to instructions.

 When you are in the market to purchase electronic dog collar training, know that there are many different types which operation also differs from one another. The most common type is the electronic Shock collar which usually sends out slight current that normally makes the dig responsive to it. There are two other forms of electronic dog collar training .One of them functions by sending out a high volume sound that makes the dog irritable. The other type is a citronella collar that functions by squeezing citronella before the nose of the dog. Dogs very commonly dislike the smell of citronella.
 Notwithstanding the type you chose to buy, there is always some sort of discomfort for your dog and all of them all work in their own way of getting the dog learn some fundamentals. Dogs just like human beings would try their best not to face these unpleasant feelings that these electronic dog collar training impulses give to them. To use electronic dog collar training is not complicated but simple but it is right you made to know that it is just an apparatus that helps you to get your dog do what you want it to do.
As a result, the electronic dog collar training cannot automatically guide your dog; it is just to help you reproach your dog when it goes contrary to what you want it to do. Take for example, when you want to guide your dog to learn when you want it to sit down, just press lightly but tightly which immediately makes your dog to sit down. You need to repeat this as many times as possible so that the dog will learn what you want it to do. It is only with constant practice that your dog would usually respond when you want it to without having to push it to do so.
When your dog learns quickly what you want to teach it, it is right you reward it with a delicacy or pleasure. It is only when your dog is resisting complying with instructions that the use of electronic dog collar training comes in. After using the electronic dog collar training to make you dog obey and comply with instructions, you should go back to the former way or tapping the hind region to signal it to sit down over and over again. One of the commonly known uses of electronic dog collar training is that it acts as an unseen fence.
It is worth noting that  even though that the use of electronic dog collar training  is commendable ,when you have a dog that is extremely violent no quantity of tooting, citronella, or stimulating impulse will restrain your dog  from going beyond where you would want it to stay. Applying the use electronic dog collar training is necessary when one needs to get the attention of violent dog. It is just an apparatus that helps you to get the dog to obey instruction when the instructions on the manual are judiciously followed and should never be used or seen as a way of punishing your dog.

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